Custom ECU Tuning for Exotic & European Vehicles

We take pride in writing all of our tunes in house. From a simple burble tune to upgraded turbos, we have your needs covered. OEM drivability and reliability are our main focus.

🔧 In house tuner with 20+ years of exotic tuning experience

🚀 Utilization of advanced tuning software to meet tuning requirements for local and remote customers

🔥Flames, burbles, throttle response, code delete, are all included

About The Tune Plug

Hi I'm Steven,

I am the owner and operator of The Tune Plug. I service many local shops around Arizona, as well as provide remote tuning services for shops and end users all over the world. In 2017 I got my first supercar. I am a fidgeter, and couldn't bear the thought of leaving it stock. I instantly started researching who could tune my car. To my demise, the first tune I chose left me with more problems than solutions. After using multiple big name tuning companies throughout the years, I've met few that have proven trustworthy with my personal vehicles. I've developed close relationships with these like minded tuners who value safety and integrity over superficial "gains". After tuning my own cars hundreds of times to push the limits while maintaining the reliability of my car, I've learned how to navigate all sorts of complications, modifications, and tools to deliver results without the risking the safety of your vehicle. This is why The Tune Plug is different. I've done all the trial and error so you don't have to, and it's my hope that the right people will value and appreciate quality and safety over unreliable copy paste files. With me you can expect timely communication, recommendations for the best supporting mods for your vehicle, and competitive pricing on additional modifications through relationships I have build over time in the industry. I am trusted with servicing many franchise Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes, and Pagani dealerships across the US and overseas.